Board of Trustee/ Composition
Section 1: The Board of Trustee shall be members of VSUK. To be a trustee, the person
should have been a member in a good standing for minimum of three years and should
have demonstrated active participation in the activities of the VSUK. In addition,
the person should have shown dedication to the objectiveness and goals of the VSUK
expressed herein.
Section 2: a) Title of all and any real or personal property which may be acquired
by, or for the purposes of the VSUK, shall be vested in a Board of Trustee appointed
by the Executive Committee and approved by the general body.
b) The Board of Trustees shall consist of five members.
c) The President of the VSUK shall be one of the members.
d) The Board of Trustees shall not interfere in the day-to-day activities or the
policy making of the Executive Committee.
e) In the event the Executive Committee resigns, the Board of Trustees shall appoint
an interim Executive Committee until an election at the next general body meeting
which shall take place within 90 days.
f) The general body must approve all actions of the Trustees.
g) The Board of Trustees shall elect a chairperson, who shall preside over the Board.
The term of office of the chairperson shall be for a period of two years.
h) The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall keep records of all the meetings
and all other activities of the Board.